{Baby Update}
29 Weeks
71 days to go...

(pictures taken by the 10 year old)

So I was supposed to document this pregnancy,
take weekly even monthly belly pics.
Both of which didn't happen.
I did manage to get Kaden to take these photos for me today.
Baby has definitely popped out and it's uncomfortable.
I waddle.
My hips hurt.
Sometimes I feel like my hips are just going to give out.
I toss and turn all night.
115 degree temps have made me grumpy.
Braxton hicks have started.
On the bright side.....
I feel her move all day long.
Regan is my slave.
I get what I want right now.
I can't eat as much....not enough room.
Which is a good thing.

Most of all we are just getting exciting for baby Avery to be here!
We should be starting to get the baby room done,
buy a crib, bassinet, diapers, etc, etc.


Ruthie said…
Kaden did a good job with the pictures. Miss and love all of you.

Heather said…
Ditto Shanna! Except Kent's not my slave :( and I don't get everything I want...and I eat WAY too much! But all the uncomfortable stuff is EXACTLY how I'm feeling! I should take a picture of my baby belly, but I feel so HUGE!
marion family said…
Shan you look beautiful!! Kaden is such a great kid for taking these awesome pictures. I sure am missing you all a ton right now!

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