{ Warm Weather }
March wasn't a very warm month.
It mostly stayed in the 50's or colder.
I was really hoping for some 60 and 70 degree temps but it didn't happen.
Finally though, it jumped up into the 80's today.
It has renewed my spirits for summer and I can't wait for it to stay warm.
I wasn't even cold once today...now that's a miracle!
This picture is from last week when it was still in the 50's,
but it was sunny so it felt warm.
Baseball season has started up and we are keeping busy with that again.
Like I've said before, if you can't get a hold of me it's because I'm at the ball field.
This year Kaden's little league team is the Mets.
(the bright orange shirts aren't my favorite)
And he's playing with his Ankeny Cubs AAU team again too, which he loves.
I haven't signed Kohen up for baseball yet and I'm hoping it's not too late...he'll kill me if it is.
We love our baseball!!!