YW Fall Party

 I was loading these pictures up last night and couldn't stop laughing!!
We had a donut eating contest & here are the Beehives...

the miamaids...
yes, that is a piece of bread!

 The laurels..
their plan was to eat slowly

and the leaders....
I guess I couldn't believe that she had already eaten half of her donut!

The final contest
Laura vs. Lucy
{two of the most competitive people I know, with the exception of my mother :)}
 uh oh...busted. She was using her hands.
 the argument...
 the winning face

we roasted marshmallows too

And as soon as all the girls left we went and sat around the fire & roasted our own marshmallows


Priceless, priceless photos!! I'm still cracking up!


Lori Collett said…
Holy Cow I miss you guys :( Seeing these pictures just made me so sad! But seriously, Laura and Lucy, totally cracks me up!
est1978 said…
How fun! Don't you love the YW!
Ruthie said…
Looks like fun. Haven't seen the donut game done forever. Where's Kaden in the pictures? Hiding. Happy Birthday today.


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