*notice the blankie in the background...that came too!
He was so excited for his first day! He had so much fun! I have to laugh because out of all the kids his attention span wasn't very long. I had to keep telling him to sit down and pay attention. But he really did great for his first day. My little boy is growing up! He still isn't quite 3 yet..not until next week. I am excited for him to turn 3...he'll start to really grow out of his baby stage. He'll have to give up his bottle, learn to go on the big boy potty and hopefully grow out of his blankie. It hasn't bothered me one bit that he still hangs on to those things! But this will be the year he will grow up a lot. It will be an exciting year and I am anxious to see this new stage of Kohen :)
Anonymous said…
I wish I could be there to give him a big hug. Those are cute pictures. I think pre-school will be good for him. Love ya Grammy
Love ya