Nap time

We tried all day yesterday to get Kohen to take a nap. We even took a drive and still he wouldn't fall asleep. Then Kaden and his friends were playing Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii...and if you've played this game you know that the music is really relaxing....and while he was watching them play this is what happened...

I promise he didn't fall down the stairs and pass out...he really fell asleep like this! He is so adorable when he's sleeping!


@mie said…
Those pics are priceless! =) LOL
shannan maio said…
I guess it kinda looks like he did fall down the stairs. I love it. He even has his legs rested up. Fun pictures.
Anonymous said…
I love that his feet are up on the stair!!

Anonymous said…
isn't that how his dad sleeps? with his legs up!

Ruthie said…
That's awesome. I love it. He can be stubborn. I'm glad he finally took a nap for you.


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