
We made "putcakes" last night (that's what Kohen calls cupcakes). We had to make them for pack meeting tonight. I found a cute recipe on Kraft Foods and decided to try it. I am not one for baking and decorating, but I think they turned out kinda cute!

They are supposed to be bloodshot eyeballs.

Here's my helper...

Right after we got done making cupcakes, Kaden and Kohen ran around the house chasing each other. Which is normally fine, but this time Kohen ran into the chair and this is what he looks like this morning...Don't worry mom, I'll go get some witch hazel. (It helps get rid of the bruise)


Anonymous said…
does witch hazel really work? cause I bruise easy and ella gets hurt on the head ALL the time. I would love to find a "something" that would help. I once heard Madonna uses a jar of some special stuff, priced at 500 bucks to take away bruises! Maybe for all that plastic surgery.

trying that witch hazel thing today.


p.s. cute putcakes
@mie said…
I have been meaning to make those cupcakes for years! I think you have given me the motivation to finally do it!!! =)
Nicole said…
awww, poor kohen! i didn't know witch hazel worked on brusies... good to know! those cupcakes look yummy.
I think you did a great job on the putcakes, they "look" delicious.
Anonymous said…
Preston thinks your cupcakes are way cool!! We hope you guys have a Happy Halloween!

The Starkies
Ruthie said…
Cool Pupcakes. Kohen is a pretty good clean up guy. I bet you don't have to even ask him twice to lick the beaters. The cub scouts probably thought they were way cool. Yes witch hazel works. My 81 year old mom swears by it and I've use. So there Shan. Go get some Addy.

Love ya!

Jill said…
Okay, the witch hazel is a great idea! I love the putcakes. They turned out so ghouly and cute!
Anonymous said…
that bruised face is exactly how i remember my little buddy... always getting into trouble! man i miss the crap out of you!


ps- you too kk
jenjamin said…
YES on the witch hazel, it works like a charm, A similar thing just happened to Ryan on the same eye. Oh and I love the "putcake" thing, my boys use to say "copporn" instead of popcorn... it always made up crack up!
cute cupcakes!! i should so that with my GIANT one.

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