Best Friend
Kaden came home from school and showed me a booklet he had made titled "All About Me". When he got to the page that said My Best Friend, he had Preston's name there. Preston is his best friend from Utah. I ask him everyday if he has fun at school and if he has made any friends. He always says "yes mom". But it lookes like he hasn't been able to find a best friend that compares to Preston!
Preston you are the coolest best friend ever!
*(I do have to admit something, Kohen woke me up during the night around 2am. As I was trying to go back to sleep I thought about what Kaden had put in his book about his best friend. And I started to cry. I rarely cry, being surrounded by boys for the last 8 years I have learned to hold in my emotions! I guess it was just the mom in me, this move has turned me back into an emotional girl again. I can cry at any given moment over the dumbest thing.)*
Love ya lots!
My best friend lives in another state and I only get to talk to him once in a while. But, you know, we are still best friend and I know he loves me.
Maybe one day me and my best friend can spend more time with each other just like you and Preston can some day. But the other good thing is all the other friends I have made since, and how nice it is to see them.
Papa B.
We miss you.
Love Mindi
Preston misses you a ton! He loves his new school, but says it would be better if Kaden was there with him. We can't wait to see you guys, hopefully it will be soon!
The Starkies