Since you liked this one so much, I decided I better add the video with KK too. It just didn't make the cut! We tried all morning before school to get this video! Kohen just wouldn't cooperate!
Anonymous said…
we just watched that video 37 1/2 times. No joke! That is the cutest video ever. We are so excited to come visit. And this has made us wish we were leaving today. Monday could not come any sooner!
Shan, you and your cute little family are so special to us. We love you guys. We miss you guys. You (with Regans help, sometimes!) have made one very cool family. With VERY sweet boys too. Good job. I love you just like I love my sisters. And I love your boys as much as I do my kids. And as for Regan, well, i love him too.
Thank you for this video. It's made my day. I need a tissue.
love Addy
Anonymous said…
just watched it 4 more times.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Shan!!
You know how to make us all feel loved and cared for. I'm proud to have you in our family.
What a special little guy.
Anonymous said…
Now I need a tissue!!!
Anonymous said…
Ella just woke up from her nap, so i showed her the video. I like the second one too. I like Kaden's hesitation before he says "can't wait to see you". And Kohen yelling ADDY.
Its a hit, in Ella's eyes. She is jumping up and down.
Shan, you and your cute little family are so special to us. We love you guys. We miss you guys. You (with Regans help, sometimes!) have made one very cool family. With VERY sweet boys too. Good job. I love you just like I love my sisters. And I love your boys as much as I do my kids. And as for Regan, well, i love him too.
Thank you for this video. It's made my day. I need a tissue.
love Addy
You know how to make us all feel loved and cared for. I'm proud to have you in our family.
What a special little guy.
Its a hit, in Ella's eyes. She is jumping up and down.