Girls night out
Once again it was GNO thanks to it being Laura's birthday this month
We went to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, saw a chick flick "The Last Song"
and just enjoyed each others company. I think we could all just sit and talk for hours.
Even though this movie was only rated 1 1/2 stars I still thought it was a good movie.
Miley Cyrus isn't my favorite but Liam Hemsworth is so dang cute so it makes up for it!
He kinda reminds me of a younger Regan back when he had his hair...hahaha
And the little kid who plays Jonah does a really good job making you cry.
gotta love chick flicks :)
I love you friends!
Is taht REALLY what i thought wiuld happen when i met a boy when i was 16? :)
BUT i LOVE a good GNO!